copywriting services


A content marketing strategy will boost trust among your audience, attract customers, and build the kind of loyalty that leads to customer retention.

2C specializes in collaborating with small businesses to help them build a content strategy that creates awareness, brand consideration and conversions (leads and sales).

Is your small business missing out because of a hit-or-miss content strategy?

Is your small business missing out because of a hit-or-miss content strategy?



Content marketing is increasingly being utilized in digital marketing strategies due to its ability to increase brand awareness and create a stronger connection with your target audience. You need a strategic approach to creating, publishing, and distributing custom content that will attract, nurture and convert, while building a loyal community around your organization.

Content, Channel and Context

2C can help you to come up with the right content (what), that corresponds to the right marketing channel that supports the stage of the sales cycle your user is in (where), while formatting it in a way that makes sense to the context (how – example: some buyers may prefer bullet points instead of full sentences).

Types of Custom Content that 2C Can Create For You:

The Content Marketing Cycle

Feeling overwhelmed as a small business owner trying to do everything?

Feeling overwhelmed as a small business owner trying to do everything?

Some Stats About Custom Content

  • Costs 62% less to create than traditional marketing
  • Is 6x as likely to cause prospects to take action
  • Is appreciated by 90% of consumers
  • Helps 80% of people to learn about a company
  • Helps businesses with blogs to get 67% more leads

Did you know?

  • 50% of companies feel unsuccessful at doing their own content creation.
  • 62% of businesses outsource content marketing to companies like 2C.

Anticipated, Personal, and Relevant Content

As we mentioned in our email marketing article, small businesses must be careful to avoid ad fatigue in their marketing efforts. Content marketing is permissive and does not interrupt consumers when they go about their day.

The concept of permission marketing has been popularized by Seth Godin, an entrepreneur and author of the book, Permission Marketing: Turning Strangers Into Friends, And Friends Into Customers.

Permission marketing is characterized as anticipated, personal, and relevant. This makes it a highly effective marketing method that every business should employ.

Awesome SEO Content

2C has handled my digital marketing for 20+ years. They have made multiple websites for me. Holly is amazing at writing SEO content. Because they have my best interests at heart, 2C has my web development business until I retire.

Rick C

Phoenix, AZ

Masterful Job

You did a masterful job with my digital marketing. The messaging was consistent and drew many favorable comments from my constituents. You were a big part of the success of my campaign. Thank you.

Rep. Roger Elliott

Wichita KS

Excellent SEO Results

I needed someone to walk me through SEO for my small business. Fortunately, I found 2C Development Group. They created a plan that took my site from zero search engine rankings to page one. Thanks!

Client: Dennis H

Dennis H

Wichita KS
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